One Hour: 130
Ninety Minutes: 165
Pregnancy Massage Program available: Cost upon request
Contact Hanako at 720-838-8037 to schedule your session. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Prenatal massage therapy provides many benefits. Not only is it a drug-free method for relieving the normal aches and pains of pregnancy; but it can also help a pregnant person better prepare for labor. Massage helps loosen tension so a pregnant parent can go into labor as free of stress as possible. Additionally, proprioception (body awareness) is also developed during the massage. This increased body awareness is helpful during contractions by enabling one to better relax muscles that aren’t being used in the birthing process. This preserves strength and reduces unnecessary tension. Massage allows us to form an unspoken bond that becomes beneficial in labor, allowing me to recognize abnormal muscle tension and use that knowledge to target areas that need the most attention during labor. Start your prenatal massages as soon as you find out you are pregnant!
In your first trimester, your massage is performed as a regular massage (your body can be in various body positions) remaining mindful of the pressure upon the hips. In your second and third trimesters, your massage will be performed side-lying. Your body will be positioned using pillows and bolsters. Hanako uses Swedish massage as the basis for your prenatal massage but may additionally incorporate other techniques as your body adjusts to the pregnancy.